How the Weight Loss Revolution is Shaping the Future of Health and Wellness

The Weight Loss Revolution is upon us. More than 40% of the US population struggles with chronic obesity, (1) and as obesity rates in the United States continue to rise, weight loss injections such as semaglutide and tirzepatide have become increasingly popular. However, the stigma around obesity and the “Ozempic era” as a cosmetic issue instead of a chronic disease has left many Americans without access to life-saving medication. Misconceptions about weight loss being a matter of willpower instead of a disease can leave patients feeling uncomfortable about receiving care. Some patients also struggle with reliable access to weight loss drugs because insurance companies consider obesity to be a cosmetic issue and refuse to cover services. Other barriers to medically necessary weight loss treatments include race, location, and financial stability. Taking part in the Weight Loss Revolution means offering affordable weight loss treatments to make them more accessible to all.

With the Business Biohacking Blueprint, we help established businesses offer skinny shots and body contouring procedures to patients who are recovering from obesity. The Weight Loss Revolution can be as impactful for your patients as it can be for your business. Delivering high-quality care with the services you already offer can help you serve your clients and create a reliable source of revenue. Check out the content we created to help businesses like yours scale or contact us with any questions you have.

Why Offer Weight Loss Treatments?

The weight loss revolution is expected to create a multibillion-dollar industry by 2033 and economists expect weight-loss drug sales to reach 150 billion that year. (2) Offering weight loss treatments at an affordable price is a low-maintenance way for providers to create a reliable source of income and make a life-changing impact on their patients by:

  • Helping them achieve their ideal body contour
  • Reducing their risk of developing chronic, life-altering diseases
  • Increasing their mobility for a better quality of life
  • Lowering their blood pressure
  • Increasing their energy and flexibility

Benefits of Offering Weight Loss Treatments to Patients

You can implement weight loss treatments into your business by leveraging the services you already have, and the best way to ensure patients return to your clinic is to offer quality. With just a few adjustments to your strategy, you can reposition your current services to:

  • Expand your patient base
  • Increase revenue and profitability
  • Address market demand
  • Maximize your current marketing strategy
  • Network with other businesses
  • Capitalize on industry trends
  • Improve visibility and online presence
  • Maintain patient satisfaction
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Build trust with your patients

The best part is that you can continue to serve your current clients and attract new patients with the services you already offer. You do not need to completely overhaul your marketing strategy, website, or content plan to start gaining weight loss subscribers and attracting new patients. Explore the content we have created to help businesses like yours scale.

Types of Weight Loss Treatments

If you wish to increase patient satisfaction, offering weight loss treatments and providing comprehensive programs can help you reach a wider market.

The Skinny Shot

With just a weekly office visit, (3) your patients can experience a significant improvement in their health. You can offer a fast, weekly injection that does not require downtime and retain patients for years because the shot is a long-term solution to chronic obesity. Offering the skinny shot at a clinic where you specialize in body contouring and weight loss can help patients feel more comfortable receiving care. Popular weight loss injections for helping your patients optimize their metabolism include:

  • Semaglutide: You can help patients stimulate insulin production and delay emptying the gastric system to increase feelings of satiety for more effective weight loss.
  • Tirzepatide: You can help patients lose weight with a highly effective dual receptor agonist that stimulates body glucagon and insulin production by optimizing the body’s hormones. (4)
  • Sermorelin: You can help patients build muscle mass with a powerful peptide that increases energy and encourages healthy muscle mass with growth hormones that slow the aging process. (5)
  • Contrave: Contave is a combination of two different components (naltrexone and bupropion) and is designed to decrease appetite and cravings, which can help patients lose weight alongside dieting and exercise.
  • Qsymia: Qsymia is also a combined medicine containing both phentermine and topiramate to help reduce patients’ cravings and facilitate easier weight loss.

Offering these medications will allow you to serve candidates in just a 15-minute appointment and if your patients’ body goals shift, you can quickly pivot your plan of care to meet their needs. Repositioning your services also gives you the flexibility to meet market demand and make a positive impact by elevating patient care. Over time, you can develop a regular client base to make a positive impact and reliable revenue stream. Offering affordably priced treatments can sustain your business in an ethical way that also benefits the community.

See our guide about the misconceptions providers have when it comes to offering weight loss injections.

Surgical After Weight Loss Body Contouring

Ozempic face/body prevention and treatment plans are a popular corresponding treatment to offer in what is colloquially known as the Ozempic era. You can take the services you already offer and reposition them into a package for weight loss patients. Just like a mommy makeover offers a personalized collection of treatments to address post-pregnancy concerns, body contouring packages specifically designed for weight loss patients can help you meet their needs. You can promote the treatments you already offer by creating collections of surgical treatments that address the concerns of weight loss patients effectively:

  • Liposuction
  • Body Lift
  • Thigh Lift
  • Fat Transfer
  • Butt Lift
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Mommy Makeover
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Arm Lift
  • Ozempic Butt
  • Ozempic Face
  • Gynecomastia treatments

To learn more about how to package your services for after-weight loss body contouring, see our training or register for one of our upcoming events.

Nonsurgical After Weight Loss Body Contouring

Packaging the body sculpting treatments you already offer into an “after-weight loss body contouring” package will help you point clients in the direction of treatments that will help them address common struggles that weight loss patients face. Noninvasive options include:

  • EON Fat Laser
  • Morpheus8
  • Renuva
  • Ultherapy
  • Sofwave
  • NeuroTox
  • Muscle Building Treatments
  • MyEllevate
  • Cellulite Treatments
  • Emsculpt
  • MIRIA™ by AVAVA™

Offering weight loss treatments is right for your business if you want patient satisfaction by providing comprehensive programs that address current market demand. Check out our Trusted Partner Hub to learn more about how you can help patients achieve their weight loss goals with the partners we have personally vetted.

Contact us to learn more about how to choose the best partnerships for your business.

Nutritional Support & Personalized Supplements

Weight loss requires lifestyle modifications such as changes to diet and exercise routines. Offering medications and supplements to patients to help them during their weight loss journey can also help you provide value to your clients. Patients who participate in weight loss programs need to exercise more often, which increases their hunger and the need for their bodies to be fortified with healthy nutrients that will support muscle building. You can offer compounded weight loss injections or peptides and supplements to help your patients nourish their bodies and build muscle mass more effectively.

Marketing Your Offers

After you determine the types of treatments you would like to offer, you can build an offer ladder by offering patients several packages:

  • Nonsurgical Packages: Weight loss injections are an effective way to help clients lose weight.
  • Surgical Packages: You can combine your procedures into an after-weight-loss package to help your clients sculpt their bodies.
  • Customized Packages: A long-term treatment plan that follows the patient from beginning to end with injections, body sculpting, and support to maintain their results with lifestyle changes.

To promote your offers you will need several marketing essentials such as email lists, a website, and a blog. You can start to see leads immediately from current clients who are already interested in their services. Business Biohacking Blueprint has everything you need to start serving your clients and expanding your offering. See our lead conversion guide to learn how to attract clients.

Drip campaigns are an effective way to keep patients engaged over time and offer different services to patients who may be interested in both surgical and nonsurgical options.

To get started, download our guides or join our newsletter!

How to Start Offering Weight Loss Treatments

The Business Biohacking Blueprint has everything you need to successfully scale your business. We have helped thousands of clients with our weight loss treatments and hundreds of clinics leverage the same strategies to maximize their impact.

Check out The Blueprint we created to help businesses like yours scale.


What marketing strategies are effective for the weight loss revolution?

The marketing strategies you need for the weight loss revolution will depend on your unique offer ladder and what your clients are looking for. We cover marketing strategies we use in our proven program to help you sell effectively to your clients.

How can I improve my online presence for the weight loss revolution?

You can improve your online presence by repackaging the products you already have. The strategy is simple, but the impact on your business is immense.

Will partaking in the weight loss revolution improve patient satisfaction?

Yes, patients are extremely satisfied when they have accessible weight loss options that help them maintain a healthier lifestyle from providers they trust.

Is it better to start with weight loss injections or body contouring?

Although weight loss injections are in demand and are simple to offer because they do not require anesthesia or as serious of a commitment on the patient’s part, you will need to assess the popularity of your current services to determine the best strategy to start with. Our program has everything you need to get started.


  1. DeSilver D. As obesity rates rise in the U.S. and worldwide, new weight-loss drugs surge in popularity. Pew Research Center.
  2. Beasley, D. Weight-loss drug forecasts jump to $150 billion as supply grows. Reuters.
  3. Colin IM, Gérard AC. Once-weekly 2.4 mg Semaglutide for Weight Management in Obesity: A Game Changer? Endocrinology. 2022;18(1):35. doi:
  4. Chavda VP, Ajabiya J, Teli D, Bojarska J, Apostolopoulos V. Tirzepatide, a New Era of Dual-Targeted Treatment for Diabetes and Obesity: a Mini-Review. Molecules. 2022;27(13):4315. doi:
  5. Ghusn W, De la Rosa A, Sacoto D, et al. Weight Loss Outcomes Associated With Semaglutide Treatment for Patients With Overweight or Obesity. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(9):e2231982. doi:
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