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Navigating the New Normal: Adapting Your Services in the Era of GLP-1

Navigating the Weight Loss Revolution has become the new normal as more Americans struggle with obesity and realize the long-term impacts the disease can have on their health. Medically-assisted weight loss programs such as the “skinny shot” have become increasingly popular, and offering weight loss treatments is one of the most effective ways to serve your patients. Injectable weight loss medications such as semaglutide and tirzepatide are not only convenient, but they can help your patients transform their health.

The Business Biohacking Blueprint is a comprehensive guide for adapting your services in the era of GLP-1. Struggling with chronic obesity can be devastating for your patients, and helping them transform their lives is part of what makes your work meaningful. With a few adjustments to the way you advertise your services for the Weight Loss Revolution, you can help thousands of patients fall back in love with their bodies. You can also help existing clients improve their well-being.

Contact us or check out the content we created to help you get started.

How to Adapt Your Services in the Era of GLP-1

GLP-1 receptor agonists trigger a hormonal response in the body that can help patients improve feelings of satiety. With GLP-1 therapy, you can empower patients to achieve sustainable weight management while improving their overall metabolic health at the same time. Many patients notice improvements ranging from increased energy levels and confidence in their weight loss journey to better overall health metrics, such as blood pressure and glucose levels. GLP-1 medications are drugs that mimic the action of a natural hormone that helps regulate appetite and blood sugar levels. GLP-1 medications come in different variations like semaglutide and tirzepatide– both are effective for improving weight management and metabolic health.

Strategies for Adapting Your Services

You can start to address these common concerns by repackaging the services you already have. You do not have to change your branding, core messaging, or values. A simple framework can help your patients navigate your services and connect with you more quickly. Offering convenient treatments such as semaglutide and tirzepatide that can easily help patients lose weight and achieve a slimmer figure may seem like the best option, but these do not address the additional issues patients address when undergoing massive weight loss. We recommend offering comprehensive packages:

  • Telemedicine: Allowing your patients to access you through telemedicine appointments when they are traveling can help them stay consistent with lifestyle changes.
  • Support for lifestyle changes: The loss of energy patients experience when making lifestyle changes can be difficult. Helping them maintain their strength with treatments such as Sermorelin can make the process run smoother.
  • Surgical contouring: Excess skin and fat can be bothersome for patients who were looking forward to enjoying a slimmer figure after weight loss only to discover that their proportions are out of balance. Help them complete their weight loss journeys by offering weight loss-specific body contouring procedures at your practice.
  • Nutritional Counseling: You can help patients improve their nutritional habits to support their weight loss goals.
  • Customizable packages: Offering Ozempic face/body prevention and treatment plans can help patients regain confidence in their bodies.

To learn more about how to start making changes, and the mistakes to avoid, see our guide about common misconceptions.

How to Build Value

There are several ways you can build value with your marketing. Anticipating the goals your patients will have, such as the desire to build muscle in addition to losing weight, is another way to expand your services. Emphasizing the transformation you can help your patients make with your services as well as offering additional benefits, can help you attract more weight loss patients. Weight loss programs offer several unique benefits that you can incorporate into your marketing messaging:

  • Quality of life: In your marketing, remind patients of the improved quality of life they can experience after weight loss treatments.
  • Effective appetite control: With your customizable treatments, patients can experience improved feelings of satiety which can help them follow their diet plans.
  • Sustainable weight loss: The treatments are not a quick fix, and patients can enjoy long-lasting results with lifestyle changes.
  • Metabolic health improvement: The skinny shot optimizes your metabolism and helps patients lose weight by leveraging the natural process of their body.
  • Enhanced patient education: Your program can offer information about weight management to help patients work toward healthy lifestyle changes and make holistic changes.
  • Access to advanced technology: Innovative, noninvasive body sculpting treatments can help patients make critical changes to their appearance.
  • Holistic approach: Encouraging nutrition, exercise, and behavior therapy can help patients take a well-rounded approach to weight loss.
  • Non-invasive treatments: Patients can make significant progress with non-surgical treatments first through injectables and regular exercise regimens.
  • Customizable solutions: Weight loss programs are customizable and tailored to help patients address their specific weight loss needs.

Benefits of Adapting Your Services

Adapting your services can not only help your patients but can help your business scale as well. When you reposition your services into packages to address the effects of weight loss medications on patients, you can increase your client base by attracting more clients who see your ability to provide specialized services. You can also improve your visibility and increase your revenue by addressing market trends that patients are interested in.

Offering medications and supplements or peptides for weight loss support also demonstrates your dedication to patients. By taking a holistic approach that prioritizes how patients feel during their weight loss journey, you can also show patients that you value quality. You can build trust by offering an email list that helps patients make small steps toward reaching their body goals.

Contact us with any questions you have and adjust your website to start gaining weight loss subscribers!

Personalizing Your Offers

One of the most effective ways to build value is to personalize your offers. Creating customizable packages can help you address the specific needs of patients, and having a successful marketing strategy will be key to attracting retainer clients who are interested in the services you offer.

Check out our marketing essentials or lead conversion guide to help you make the transition and successfully adapt your services for the GLP-1 era without sacrificing quality.

Marketing Your New Packages

Marketing your packages by categorizing them into surgical and non-surgical treatments can help patients navigate your services. The way you restructure and prevent your offers will depend on your unique audience and brand messaging. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and we have a complete guide to help you easily make the transition. The Business Biohacking Blueprint has everything you need to start marketing your new offers and helping you adjust your services to attract weight loss patients.

Scaling Further

Although adapting your services for weight loss will include body contouring, what about helping patients maintain their results? After treatments for the Ozempic face or Ozempic body, you can offer ongoing retainer services for Medspa treatments to help patients maintain smooth, radiant skin. When you can show patients how good it feels to be satisfied with their bodies, you can also communicate the importance of maintaining these results with convenient treatments. Weight loss is an investment your patients make in their health, and maintaining their results after working so hard will be important for most of them.

Offering non-invasive medspa treatments for Ozempic face or body treatments to help them reduce cellulite and build muscle for a long-lasting toned, and muscular figure can help you scale further as most patients will be interested. You can download our guides or join our newsletter for regular updates about the best strategies and practices to repackage your services and improve your quality of life.


Which marketing strategies are best for adapting my services for the GLP-1 era?

Creating a marketing strategy for your offers will depend on your specific packages. Each marketing strategy will be slightly different depending on the branding and core messaging you would like to uphold in your business.

How can I increase my online presence to attract more weight loss clients?

Adjusting how you present your services on social media is one of the most effective ways to attract weight loss clients.

Are there other ways to provide quality and build value for the GLP-1 era?

Yes, addressing the pain points or concerns that your patients have on a daily basis about how to lose weight or the way their figure affects their self-esteem can help your patients relate to your messaging.

Should I separate packages into surgical and nonsurgical services for the GLP-1 era?

This will depend on what your patients need. You can customize your packages in a way that makes the most sense for your business and clients.


  1. Colin IM, Gérard AC. Once-weekly 2.4 mg Semaglutide for Weight Management in Obesity: A Game Changer? Endocrinology. 2022;18(1):35. doi:
  2. Chavda VP, Ajabiya J, Teli D, Bojarska J, Apostolopoulos V. Tirzepatide, a New Era of Dual-Targeted Treatment for Diabetes and Obesity: a Mini-Review. Molecules. 2022;27(13):4315. doi: